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Nelson Bray, amidst an outrageous personality, infectious humor and contagious joy, undeniably delights his clientele with such a unique salon experience. it is likely unparalleled. Exemplifying honesty, humility, empathy, and respect, Nelson has procured a substantially loyal clientele. Eagerly, they continue booking appointments with this amazing hair stylist because they know and appreciate his artistry in every sense of the word. They see passion that makes it appear effortless for him to create masterpieces to adorn their heads. The results, often, strip away insecurities, cast away doubts, revitalize, give hope, and even titillate. Amazingly this is due, in part, to his power to recognize and unleash the potential of the hair in front of him. Not to mention the way he imparts compassionate and practical advice, lends an ear, or just simply offers up a shoulder. He does all of this in the comfort of a private suite where he and his clients cam relax and simply be themselves.


Nelson’s greatest gift is capturing the inner and outer essence and beauty of everyone he has the pleasure of working on. It is the gift that keeps on giving...and he would like to share that with you.

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